Superpower Fanon Wiki
Pyric Spectrum Manipulation
Power/Ability to: Manipulate various types of fire.

The ability to manipulate different types of fire. Variation of Fire Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Flame Spectrum Manipulation
  • Omni Fire Manipulation


User can create, shape and manipulate different types of fire that can have various effects/properties.




  • Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
  • Fire Immunity and/or Thermal Resistance isn't always part of the package, so burning yourself is possible.
    • May not be immune to other side-effects/products, such as smoke.
  • May be limited to controlling/immunity to the fire which they create.
  • May be unable to create fire, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.