Welcome to the Superpower Fanon Wiki[]
So, you like the Super Power Wiki? Get ready to get fanon style!
There are four specific rules for this wiki:
- It should be noted that since this is a fanon variation to the Superpower Wiki, which in hand allows only characters that are deemed canon and official, only fan-made characters (that can also stem from spinoffs, machinimas, fan-made sequels to expansions, what have you), like OCs, and Freaks (which are more in common with Garry's Mod made machinimas) may be posted, meaning that any examples from the official Powerlisting wiki should be removed.
- If the powers documented don't have any users available in terms of fanon characters even though the official characters are disallowed here, then I'm afraid the powers shouldn't be documented here, at least not yet until there will be a fanon user with said power to debut. You may add them as a Stupidpower.
- Real-life subjects/objects can be allowed here, such as animals, certain people, what have you. HOWEVER, if people in general have a power that comes with our physiology as Humans, Humans may be added, but not the names of the people.
- Magical powers should always be in variations, unless the species in question is mainly magical.
Enjoy your stay guys, and let's rock. 😎👍
List of Admins[]
- ChocolateElemental - main administrator and adopter of wiki.
- Jess - great user on the Powerlisting wiki
- Akiko Misaki - first one on besides adopter
Please do not use the Stupidpower layout. It is messed up. Use the normal layout instead.